New product releases coming on KnightDriveTV Youtube channel!

C5 1997-2004 Corvette 10.8" MAX-Din HVAC/Radio Screen Sign Up


With the recent and popular release of the C6 Screen KnightDriveTV is pleased to announce the C5 Screens are now undergoing production! Use the sign up form below to make sure you don't miss your chance to get one of the best mods of 2023!


C5 Tesla-Style Screen

* indicates required
Corvette Model *
Transmission Type *
HVAC unit *
Are you available for immediate purchase? *
Are you available for immediate install? *
Do you own any other KnightDriveTV products? *
Do you subscribe to KnightDriveTV YouTube Channel? *
Are you interested in beta testing? *
Are you tech savvy? *
If you want to be a Beta Tester are you willing to
How did you hear about the C5 MAX-Din development?


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SMOKED Sequential C5 Corners on clearance!

Don't miss out on the newest corners for C5, at the absolute lowest price on the internet! Only 7 sets left! Under 200 shipped!

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